Parent Letter by Debbie Egglestein

Less than a week away!

I am very excited that your child is able to join us for _(Child’s Name)_______ Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration. A few parents contacted me saying that their kids took charge of the invitation and now it is missing and they don’t remember the details, so I’m resending this information to everyone!


____(Date)_______ begins with the Bar Mitzvah service at ____(Location)_______________, located at ___(Address)___________ (directions on the back). The sanctuary is located just inside the glass doors located on the left side of the building as you face it from the parking lot. The service begins promptly at __(Time)______. I know not everyone is able to attend the morning service, and some will be a bit late due to the timing of other events, and that is OK, too. Of course, parents are welcome to stay for the service, too!


_____ has studied for this day for well over two years (and has been studying Hebrew for much longer), and he is excited to have his/her friends share in this milestone. As part of the service, he/she will read in Hebrew from the Torah; sing, chant, and lead prayers; offer his interpretation of the Torah portion he is reading; and explain his mitzvah (good deed/service) project. The service concludes around __(Time). If you are dropping and returning for your child, please _____________(Pick up instruction)______________.


As a reminder, the Temple’s dress code requests modest attire. Young ladies are asked to wear slacks or modest-length skirts and dresses, and no strapless or spaghetti straps without a jacket or sweater. Young men are asked to wear slacks and a nice shirt or suits.


The Celebration begins at __(time) at the __________(Location and Address)________, (directions on the back). Attire is _____(dress code and examples)__________.  The party is scheduled to end at __(time)____, so please plan to arrive a few minutes to pick up your child!


If, for some reason, your plans have changed (and we’ve already had a couple of friends who had to cancel due to sports tournaments) and your child is not able to join us L, please let me know as soon as possible! There are special activities planned, and the hotel has requested the seating charts by mid-week, so if your plans have changed, please let me know ASAP. Also, if your child has any allergies or special dietary needs for the dinner, please let me know of those, as well. I can be reached at XXX (home), XXX (cell), or via email if you need more info.


Again, we look forward to having your child share this special day with us!


All my best,


___(Parent Name)____

Parent Letter by Debbie Egglestein

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